تسجيل الدخول المنصات
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مناهج إثرائية
اسأل سؤال
عن المنصة

اسأل سؤال

2020/07/07 19:43 -- اللغة الإنكليزية > الصف التاسع
غزل حسام بديوي

- لو سمحتم ما الفرق بين الأسئلة التالية :
What is it like? 0
What do they look like? 0
What does it like? 0,
و ما المقصود بكل منهم

سؤال ثاني لو سمحتم
ما السؤال لكل مما يلي
1.Salma is polite and cute
2.Salma is tall and thin
It is raining 3
شكرا لكم


2020/07/07 20:21
علا الموعي

What is … like?

We use What is … like? to ask for a description of someone or something (e.g. their appearance, their character, their behaviour):


What’s her new house like?


It’s a modern one, quite big, with a nice garden.


What’s your new teacher like?


He’s nice. He’s very good-looking! But he’s quite strict.

What do/ does .....look like ?     To ask for appearance 

A. What does your teacher look like? 

She’s tall and slim.


What does/ do .... like?      To ask for preferences 

- what do you like? 

I like reading and painting. 


Second part: 

1. What is Salma like?

2. What does Salma look like? 

3. What’s the weather like now?

Good Luck

Ola M

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