تسجيل الدخول المنصات
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مناهج إثرائية
اسأل سؤال
عن المنصة

اسأل سؤال

2020/08/23 12:56 -- اللغة الإنكليزية > ثالث ثانوي
ريم حسن

- بسؤال تصحيح الفعل، إذا كان الفعل يلي بدنا نصححو لازم ينحط بالمبني للمجهول ،كيف منعرف إذا الزمن حاضر بسيط أو حاضر مستمر ؟
For example :
1-If sand gazelles (are threatened /are being threatened), they can run away.
2-If the nests of rare birds(are damaged /are being damaged), the people who do the damage have to pay a large fine.
3-In some countries, the nests of rare birds (are protected/are being protected) by law.


2020/08/24 13:48
علا داود آغا


the verbs in the three mentioned examples must be used in present simple.

You can determine the tense (present simple or present continuous ) depending on the adverbs in the sentence and on the meaning.

for example we can't say nests are being damaged  or are being protected ( we are talking about general situations).

in addition, the first two examples are( if )sentenes and we don't use present continuous with conditionals.

Best wishes


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