تسجيل الدخول المنصات
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اسأل سؤال

2021/06/18 15:28 -- اللغة الإنكليزية > ثالث ثانوي
لامار ماهر ماهر

- In page 14 (exercise book) exercise 1
3. a practice or product that can be used or reused without causing damage to the environment
Should the answer be sustainable or recycling if we don’t have a list of options because sustainable is an adjective and the question demands a noun so recycling may be a better answer. Thank you


2021/06/18 16:36
علا الموعي

Good evening, sustainable is the answer because recycling is a process not a product. 

The idea here is that the forests are sustainable.

Good Luck

Ola M🌷

2021/06/18 18:28
لامار ماهر ماهر
So if it were just “a practice that can be .....” would recycling be the answer?
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