تسجيل الدخول المنصات
جلسات مصورة
مناهج إثرائية
اسأل سؤال
عن المنصة

Conditional sentences

Abdul Majed Oghorli

Conditional sentences

A conditional sentence is of two clauses, a subordinate clause (if clause) and a main clause (result clause)

There are four types of conditional sentences (0- 1- 2- 3)

Type zero and type one both talk about something real in the present or future. Type 2 talks about something unreal in the present or future. Type 3 talks about something unreal in the past.

I will start with type zero: which expresses habits or facts.

The form is:

If + simple present ----- simple present

E.g. If I lose the match, I get angry

        Water freezes if the temperature goes below zero

Notice: when we start with “if”, we use a comma after the “if” clause. But when we start with the result clause no comma is used.

If the weather is nice, we play football.

Type one: if + simple present ---------- will + infinitive

Here the difference is that we talk about something if it happens one time, a result will happen.

E.g. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will play football, this is not a habit, we know that from the word “tomorrow”

       If the tomatoes are ripe, I will make a salad.

Type 2

Here we talk about something unreal in the present or future.

I’m not a doctor, if I was/were a doctor, I would treat people for free.

The form is: If + simple past --------------- would + infinitive.

We can use “were” instead of “was” and with all pronouns.

CF: If I have money, I will give you some.

       If I had money, I would give you some.

The time in both sentences is present, but in the first the meaning is maybe I have money, I’ll check and see. But in the second, I’m sure that I don’t have money.

Type 3

Here we talk about something unreal but in the past.

The form is:

If + past perfect ------------ would have + past participle (v3)

We didn’t book before we went to the restaurant yesterday, so we couldn’t find a table.

If we had booked first, we would have found a table.

Thank you



ملاحظة لعرض المحتويات بشكل صحيح، يرجى تنصيب برنامج قارئ فلاش
2017/12/24 12:33
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