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اسأل سؤال

2020/07/06 18:54 -- اللغة الإنكليزية > الصف التاسع

- مرحباً،
I will never forget the day when l saved someone's life . One day while l was walking back home , l heared a scream . I looked up and saw a woman calling for help! I ran up into the flat . It was on fire so l got the woman and her children out. In the end, the fireman came and put the fire out.
هل يصح هذا الموضوع لهذا السؤال : << write the story for an adventure film >>
شكراً جزيلاً


2020/07/06 20:07
علا الموعي

Good evening 

There is nothing in this paragraph that tells it is a film story . This story is a personal experince. 

You should use words to say that it is an adventure film like, 

Last night, I watched an adventure film which was about a boy who was was walking back home one night ....

Good luck 🌷

Ola M

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